Malware IDS Rules

snort signatures

Поборвка сигнатур IDS SNORT для выявления Agent Tesla, AZORult, Formbook, Ursnif, LokiBot, MOUSEISLAND, NanoCore, Qakbot, Remcos, TrickBot.

Agent Tesla alert any any -> any any (msg:”HTTP GET request /aw/aw.exe”; flow:established,to_server; sid:1; rev:1; content:”GET”; http_method; content:”/aw/aw.exe”; http_uri; reference:url,; metadata:service http;)
AZORult alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:"HTTP Server Content Data contains 'llehS|2e|tpircSW'"; sid:1; rev:1; flow:established,from_server; file_data; content:"llehS|2e|tpircSW"; nocase; fast_pattern:only; pcre:"/GCM(?:\x20|%20)\*W-O\*/i"; reference:url,; metadata:service http;)
AZORult alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:"HTTP POST Client Body contains 'J/|fb|' and '/|fb|'"; sid:1; rev:1; flow:established,to_server; content:"POST"; http_method; content:".php"; http_uri; content:"J/|fb|"; http_client_body; fast_pattern; content:"/|fb|"; http_client_body; depth:11; content:!"Referer|3a 20|"; http_header; metadata:service http;)
FormBook alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:"HTTP URI POST contains '&sql=1' at the end"; sid:1; rev:1; flow:established,to_server; content:"&sql=1"; http_uri; fast_pattern:only; content:"POST"; http_method; pcre:"/(?(DEFINE)(?'b64std'[a-zA-Z0-9+\/=]+?))(?(DEFINE)(?'b64url'[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+?))^\/[a-z0-9]{3,4}\/\?(?P>b64url){3,8}=(?P>b64std){40,90}&(?P>b64url){2,6}=(?P>b64url){4,11}&sql=1$/iU"; reference:url,; metadata:service http;)
alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:"HTTP URI GET/POST contains '/list/hx28/config.php?id='"; sid:1; rev:1; flow:established,to_server; content:"/list/hx28/config.php?id="; http_uri; fast_pattern:only; content:"Connection|3a 20|close|0d 0a|"; http_header; reference:url,; metadata:service http;)
Ursnif alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:"HTTP POST Data contains .bin filename, long URI contains '/images/'"; sid:1; rev:1; flow:established,to_server; urilen:>60,norm; content:"/images/"; http_uri; depth:8; content:"POST"; nocase; http_method; content:"Content-Disposition|3a 20|form-data|3b 20|name=|22|upload_file|22 3b 20|filename=|22|"; http_client_body; content:"|2e|bin|22 0d 0a|"; http_client_body; distance:1; within:32; fast_pattern; reference:url,; metadata:service http;)
alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:"HTTP URI GET/POST contains '/images/' plus random sub directories and an Image File (Ursnif)"; sid:1; rev:1; flow:established,to_server; content:"/images/"; http_uri; fast_pattern:only; content:!"Host:"; http_header; pcre:"/\/images(\/(?=[a-z0-9\_]{0,22}[A-Z][a-z0-9\_]{0,22}[A-Z])(?=[A-Z0-9\_]{0,22}[a-z])[A-Za-z0-9\_]{1,24}){5,20}\/[a-zA-Z0-9\_]+\.(?:gif|jpeg|jpg|bmp)$/U"; metadata:service http)
LokiBot alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:"HTTP Client Header contains 'User-Agent|3a 20|Mozilla/4.08 (Charon|3b| Inferno)'"; sid:1; rev:1; flow:established,to_server; content:"User-Agent|3a 20|Mozilla/4.08 (Charon|3b| Inferno)|0d 0a|"; http_header; fast_pattern:only; metadata:service http; )
LokiBot alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:"HTTP URI POST contains '/*/fre.php' post-infection"; sid:1; rev:1; flow:established,to_server; content:"/fre.php"; http_uri; fast_pattern:only; urilen:<50,norm; content:"POST"; nocase; http_method; pcre:"/\/(?:alien|loky\d|donep|jemp|lokey|new2|loki|Charles|sev7n|dbwork|scroll\/NW|wrk|job|five\d?|donemy|animation\dkc|love|Masky|v\d|lifetn|Ben)\/fre\.php$/iU"; metadata:service http;)
LokiBot alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:"HTTP URI POST contains '/w.php/'"; sid:1; rev:1; flow:established,to_server; content:"/w.php/"; http_uri; fast_pattern:only; content:"POST"; nocase; http_method; pcre:"/\/\w+\/w\.php\/[a-z]{13}$/iU"; metadata:service http;)
MOUSEISLAND alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:"HTTP URI GET contains '/assets/<8-80 hex>/<4-16 alnum>?<3-6 alnum>='"; sid:9206287; rev:1; flow:established,to_server; content:"/assets/"; http_uri; fast_pattern:only; content:"HTTP/1.1|0d 0a|"; depth:256; content:!"|0d 0a|Cookie:"; content:!"|0d 0a|Referer:"; pcre:"/\/assets\/[a-fA-F0-9/]{8,80}\/[a-zA-Z0-9]{4,16}\?[a-z0-9]{3,6}=/U"; metadata:service http;)
NanoCore alert tcp any any -> any 25 (msg:"SMTP Attachment Filename 'Packinglist-Invoice101.pps'"; sid:1; rev:1; flow:established,to_server,only_stream; content:"Content-Disposition|3a 20|attachment|3b|"; content:"Packinglist-Invoice101.pps"; nocase; distance:0; fast_pattern; pcre:"/Content-Disposition\x3a\x20attachment\x3b[\x20\t\r\n]+?(?:file)*?name=\x22*?Packinglist-Invoice101\.pps\x22*?/im"; reference:cve,2014-4114; reference:msb,MS14-060; reference:url,; reference:url,; reference:url,;)
NanoCore alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:"HTTP Client Header contains 'Host|3a 20|frankief hopto me' (GenericKD/Kazy/NanoCore/Recam)"; sid:1; rev:1; flow:established,to_server; content:"Host|3a 20|frankief|2e|hopto|2e|me|0d 0a|"; http_header; fast_pattern:only; metadata:service http;)
NanoCore alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:"HTTP GET URI contains 'FAD00979338'"; sid:1; rev:1; flow:established,to_server; content:"GET"; http_method; content:"getPluginName.php?PluginID=FAD00979338"; fast_pattern; http_uri; metadata:service http;)
Qakbot alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:"HTTP URI GET /t?v=2&c= (Qakbot)"; sid:1; rev:1; flow:established,to_server; content:"/t?v=2&c="; http_uri; depth:9; fast_pattern; reference:url,;)
Qakbot alert tcp any any -> any 21 (msg:"Possible FTP data exfiltration"; sid:1; rev:1; flow:to_server,established; content:"STOR si_"; content:".cb"; within:50; reference:url,; reference:url,; metadata:service ftp-ctrlchan;)
Qakbot alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:"Malicious executable download attempt"; sid:1; rev:1; flow:to_client,established; file_type:MSEXE; file_data; content:"|52 DB 91 CB FE 67 30 9A 8E 72 28 4F 1C A9 81 A1 AA BE AC 8D D9 AB E4 15 EF EA C6 73 89 9F CF 2E|"; fast_pattern:only; reference:url,; metadata:service http;)
Qakbot alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:"HTTP POST URI contains 'odin/si.php?get&'"; sid:1; rev:1; flow:to_server,established; content:"/odin/si.php?get&"; fast_pattern:only; http_uri; content:"news_slist"; http_uri; content:"comp="; http_uri; reference:url,; metadata:service http;)
Qakbot alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:"HTTP URI contains '/random750x750.jpg?x='"; sid:1; rev:1; flow:to_server,established; content:"/random750x750.jpg?x="; fast_pattern:only; http_uri; content:"&y="; http_uri; content:"Accept|3a 20|application/x-shockwave-flash, image/gif, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, */*|0d 0a|"; http_header; content:"Cache-Control|3a 20|no-cache|0d 0a|"; http_header; content:!"Accept-"; http_header; content:!"Referer"; http_header; reference:url,; metadata:service http;)
Qakbot alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:"HTTP URI contains '/datacollectionservice.php3'"; sid:1; rev:1; flow:to_server,established; content:"/datacollectionservice.php3"; fast_pattern:only; http_uri; metadata:service http;)
Qakbot alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:"HTTP header contains 'Accept|3a 20|application/x-shockwave-flash, image/gif, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, */*|0d 0a|'"; sid:1; rev:1; flow:to_server,established; urilen:30<>35,norm; content:"btst="; http_header; content:"snkz="; http_header; content:"Accept|3a 20|application/x-shockwave-flash, image/gif, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, */*|0d 0a|"; fast_pattern:only; http_header; content:"Cache-Control|3a 20|no-cache|0d 0a|"; http_header; content:!"Connection"; http_header; content:!"Referer"; http_header; reference:url,; metadata:service http;)
Qakbot alert tcp any any -> any 21 (msg:"Possible ps_dump FTP exfil"; sid:1; rev:1; flow:to_server,established; content:"ps_dump"; fast_pattern:only; pcre:"/ps_dump_[^_]+_[a-z]{5}\d{4}\x2Ekcb/smi"; reference:url,; metadata:service ftp;)
Qakbot alert tcp any any -> any 21 (msg:"Possible seclog FTP exfil"; sid:1; rev:1; flow:to_server,established; content:"seclog"; fast_pattern:only; pcre:"/seclog_[a-z]{5}\d{4}_\d{10}\x2Ekcb/smi"; reference:url,; metadata:service ftp;)
Qakbot alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:"HTTP URI contains '/cgi-bin/jl/'"; sid:1; rev:1; flow:to_server,established; content:"/cgi-bin/jl/"; fast_pattern:only; http_uri; reference:url,; metadata:service http;)
Qakbot alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:"HTTP URI contains '/cgi-bin/'"; sid:1; rev:1; flow:to_server,established; content:"/cgi-bin/"; fast_pattern:only; http_uri; reference:url,; metadata:service http;)
Qakbot alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:"HTTP URI contains '/u/updates.cb'"; sid:1; rev:1; flow:to_server,established; content:"/u/updates.cb"; fast_pattern:only; http_uri; pcre:"/^Host\x3A[^\r\n]+((up\d+)|(adserv))/Hmi"; reference:url,; metadata:service http;)
Qakbot alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:"HTTP response content contains '|47 65 74 46 69 6C 65 46 72 6F 6D 52 65 73 6F 75 72 63 65 73 28 29 3A 20 4C 6F 61 64 52 65 73 6F 75 72 63 65 28 29 20 66 61 69 6C 65 64|'"; sid:1; rev:1; flow:to_client,established; file_data; content:"|47 65 74 46 69 6C 65 46 72 6F 6D 52 65 73 6F 75 72 63 65 73 28 29 3A 20 4C 6F 61 64 52 65 73 6F 75 72 63 65 28 29 20 66 61 69 6C 65 64|"; fast_pattern:only; content:"|47 65 74 46 69 6C 65 46 72 6F 6D 52 65 73 6F 75 72 63 65 73 28 29 3A 20 43 72 65 61 74 65 46 69 6C 65 28 29 20 66 61 69 6C 65 64|"; content:"|52 75 6E 45 78 65 46 72 6F 6D 52 65 73 28 29 20 73 74 61 72 74 65 64|"; content:"|73 7A 46 69 6C 65 50 61 74 68 3D|"; content:"|5C 25 75 2E 65 78 65|"; reference:url,; metadata:service ftp-data,service http;)
Qakbot alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:"HTTP POST URI contains 'v=3&c='"; sid:1; rev:1; flow:to_server,established; content:"/t"; http_uri; content:"POST"; http_method; content:"v=3&c="; depth:6; http_client_body; content:"=="; within:2; distance:66; http_client_body; reference:url,; metadata:service http;)
Qakbot alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:"HTTP URI GET contains '/<alpha>/595265.jpg'"; sid:1; rev:1; flow:established,to_server; content:"/595265.jpg"; http_uri; fast_pattern:only; content:"GET"; nocase; http_method; pcre:"/^\/[a-z]{5,15}\/595265\.jpg$/U"; reference:url,; metadata:service http;)
Remcos alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:"Non-Std TCP Client Traffic contains '|1b 84 d5 b0 5d f4 c4 93 c5 30 c2|' (Checkin #23)"; sid:1; rev:1; flow:established,to_server; dsize:<700; content:"|1b 84 d5 b0 5d f4 c4 93 c5 30 c2|"; depth:11; fast_pattern; content:"|da b1|"; distance:2; within:2; reference:url,; reference:url,; reference:url,; reference:url,;)
TrickBot alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:"HTTP Client Header contains 'host|3a 20|'"; sid:1; rev:1; flow:established,to_server; content:"host|3a 20|"; http_header; fast_pattern:only; metadata:service http;)
TrickBot alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:"HTTP Client Header contains 'User-Agent|3a 20|*Loader'"; sid:1; rev:1; flow:established,to_server; content:"User-Agent|3a 20|"; http_header; content:"Loader|0d 0a|"; nocase; http_header; distance:0; within:24; fast_pattern; metadata:service http;)
TrickBot alert udp any any <> any 53 (msg:"DNS Query/Response onixcellent com (UDP)"; sid:1; rev:1; content:"|0B|onixcellent|03|com|00|"; fast_pattern:only; reference:url,; priority:1; metadata:service dns;)
TrickBot alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:"SSL/TLS Server X.509 Cert Field contains 'C=XX, L=Default City, O=Default Company Ltd'"; sid:1; rev:2; flow:established,from_server; ssl_state:server_hello; content:"|31 0b 30 09 06 03 55 04 06 13 02|XX"; nocase; content:"|31 15 30 13 06 03 55 04 07 13 0c|Default City"; nocase; content:"|31 1c 30 1a 06 03 55 04 0a 13 13|Default Company Ltd"; nocase; content:!"|31 0c 30 0a 06 03 55 04 03|"; reference:url,; metadata:service ssl;)
TrickBot alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:"SSL/TLS Server X.509 Cert Field contains 'C=AU, ST=Some-State, O=Internet Widgits Pty Ltd'"; sid:1; rev:1; flow:established,from_server; ssl_state:server_hello; content:"|31 0b 30 09 06 03 55 04 06 13 02|AU"; content:"|31 13 30 11 06 03 55 04 08 13 0a|Some-State"; distance:0; content:"|31 21 30 1f 06 03 55 04 0a 13 18|Internet Widgits Pty Ltd"; distance:0; fast_pattern; content:"|06 03 55 1d 13 01 01 ff 04 05 30 03 01 01 ff|"; reference:url,; metadata:service ssl;)
TrickBot alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:"HTTP Client Header contains 'boundary=Arasfjasu7'"; sid:1; rev:1; flow:established,to_server; content:"boundary=Arasfjasu7|0d 0a|"; http_header; content:"name=|22|proclist|22|"; http_header; content:!"Referer"; content:!"Accept"; content:"POST"; http_method; metadata:service http;)
TrickBot alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:"HTTP Client Header contains 'User-Agent|3a 20|WinHTTP loader/1.'"; sid:1; rev:1; flow:established,to_server; content:"User-Agent|3a 20|WinHTTP loader/1."; http_header; fast_pattern:only; content:".png|20|HTTP/1."; pcre:"/^Host\x3a\x20(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}(?:\x3a\d{2,5})?$/mH"; content:!"Accept"; http_header; content:!"Referer|3a 20|"; http_header; metadata:service http;)
TrickBot alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:"HTTP Server Header contains 'Server|3a 20|Cowboy'"; sid:1; rev:1; flow:established,from_server; content:"200"; http_stat_code; content:"Server|3a 20|Cowboy|0d 0a|"; http_header; fast_pattern; content:"content-length|3a 20|3|0d 0a|"; http_header; file_data; content:"/1/"; depth:3; isdataat:!1,relative; metadata:service http;)
TrickBot alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:"HTTP URI POST contains C2 Exfil"; sid:1; rev:1; flow:established,to_server; content:"Content-Type|3a 20|multipart/form-data|3b 20|boundary=------Boundary"; http_header; fast_pattern; content:"User-Agent|3a 20|"; http_header; distance:0; content:"Content-Length|3a 20|"; http_header; distance:0; content:"POST"; http_method; pcre:"/^\/[a-z]{3}\d{3}\/.+?\.[A-F0-9]{32}\/\d{1,3}\//U"; pcre:"/^Host\x3a\x20(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}$/mH"; content:!"Referer|3a|"; http_header; metadata:service http;)
TrickBot alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:"HTTP URI GET/POST contains '/56evcxv'"; sid:1; rev:1; flow:established,to_server; content:"/56evcxv"; http_uri; fast_pattern:only; metadata:service http;)
TrickBot alert icmp any any -> any any (msg:"ICMP traffic conatins 'hanc'"; sid:1; rev:1; itype:8; icode:0; dsize:22; content:"hanc"; depth:4; fast_pattern; pcre:"/hanc[0-9a-f]{16}../i"; reference:url,;)
TrickBot alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:"HTTP Client Header contains POST with 'host|3a 20|*' and 'data='"; sid:1; rev:1; flow:established,to_server; content:"POST"; nocase; http_method; content:"host|3a 20|"; http_header; content:""; nocase; http_header; distance:0; within:47; fast_pattern; file_data; content:"data="; distance:0; within:5; metadata:service http;)
TrickBot alert tcp any 80 -> any any (msg:"Non-Std TCP Client Traffic contains PowerView Script Download String"; sid:1; rev:1; flow:established,from_server; content:"PowerView.ps1"; content:"PSReflect/master/PSReflect.psm1"; fast_pattern:only; content:"function New-InMemoryModule"; metadata:service else-ports;)
TrickBot alert tcp any any -> any 445 (msg:"Non-Std TCP Client SMB Traffic contains '44783m8uh77g818_nkubyhu5vfxxbh878xo6hlttkppzf28tsdu5kwppk_11c1jl'"; sid:1; rev:1; flow:established,to_server; content:"44783m8uh77g818_nkubyhu5vfxxbh878xo6hlttkppzf28tsdu5kwppk_11c1jl"; fast_pattern:only; metadata:service netbios-ssn,service and-ports;)
TrickBot alert tcp any any -> any [80,443,8082] (msg:"Non-Std TCP Client Traffic contains '--aksgja8s8d8a8s97'"; sid:1; rev:1; flow:established,to_server; content:"--aksgja8s8d8a8s97"; fast_pattern:only; content:"name=|22|proclist|22|"; metadata:service else-ports;)
TrickBot alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:"HTTP Client Header contains 'User-Agent|3a 20|WinHTTP loader/1.0'"; sid:1; rev:1; flow:established,to_server; content:"User-Agent|3a 20|WinHTTP loader/1.0|0d 0a|"; http_header; fast_pattern:only; pcre:"/\/t(?:oler|able)\.png/U"; metadata:service http;)
TrickBot alert tcp any any -> any [443,8082] (msg:"Non-Std TCP Client Traffic contains '_W<digits>.'"; sid:1; rev:1; flow:established,to_server; content:"_W"; fast_pattern:only; pcre:"/_W\d{6,8}\./"; metadata:service else-ports;)
TrickBot alert tcp any [443,447] -> any any (msg:"SSL/TLS Server X.509 Cert Field contains '' (Hex)"; sid:1; rev:1; flow:established,from_server; ssl_state:server_hello; content:"|0b|"; fast_pattern:only; content:"Global Security"; content:"IT Department"; pcre:"/(?:\x09\x00\xc0\xb9\x3b\x93\x72\xa3\xf6\xd2|\x00\xe2\x08\xff\xfb\x7b\x53\x76\x3d)/"; metadata:service ssl,service and-ports;)
TrickBot alert tcp any any -> any any+F57 (msg:"HTTP URI GET contains '/anchor'"; sid:1; rev:1; flow:established,to_server; content:"/anchor"; http_uri; fast_pattern:only; content:"GET"; nocase; http_method; pcre:"/^\/anchor_?.{3}\/[\w_-]+\.[A-F0-9]+\/?$/U"; metadata:service http;)
TrickBot alert udp any any <> any 53 (msg:"DNS Query/Response kostunivo com (UDP)"; sid:1; rev:1; content:"|09|kostunivo|03|com|00|"; fast_pattern:only; reference:url,; metadata:service dns;)
TrickBot alert udp any any <> any 53 (msg:"DNS Query/Response chishir com (UDP)"; sid:1; rev:1; content:"|07|chishir|03|com|00|"; fast_pattern:only; reference:url,; metadata:service dns;)
TrickBot alert udp any any <> any 53 (msg:"DNS Query/Response mangoclone com (UDP)"; sid:1; rev:1; content:"|0A|mangoclone|03|com|00|"; fast_pattern:only; reference:url,; metadata:service dns;)
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